Chapter 24: SK Grills Cleveland
SK Grills Cleveland
"It was nice of you to accept my invitation to dinner Cleveland. Keth wasn't sure you would, after the whole blow up during the headmaster's visit."
"Well, I was glad for the chance to get out of the house. It's going to be a while before things get back to normal there. All the crying and sobbing. And that's just from Father."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"And just to let you know, it's kind of weird being here without Kasson. I mean, you two are serious about each other but I'm suddenly single and you're a knowledge sim and..."
"Cleveland, you're babbling. We just wanted to know how you're handling everything. You're a good friend; I was concerned."
"Oh, I've certainly discovered who my friends are during this... situation. I couldn't believe all the support I received. Here I was wondering if I should've given Shelby another chance and if maybe I'd overreacted, but everyone started telling me I'd done the right thing. They said if anything I'd waited too long. Some of the language they used to describe her though... I wouldn't want Omaha or Treynor to hear it. She is their mother after all."
"At least Salina moved home from college before all this happened. It's been great to have her there. She's been helping keep everyone's spirit up at home. She's even moved her wedding plans up."
"Yeah, I know. She keeps dragging me out gown shopping with her. Oy. She probably just wants to get moved out as soon as possible so Texas will stop bugging her about grandkids."
"Well, that could be..."
"It probably is. Texas sure wants those grandkids. Anyway, on to the topic everyone's been waiting for you to weight in on. What about you and Veronica? Barely 24 hours had passed after you send Shelby on her way before you were implying things were heating up a notch between you and she. So spill it."
"Oh, you... ah... wanted details on all that?"
"Damn straight. You two have been making secret goo-goo eyes at each other since college."
"It would be nice to have a little private time for once. No one peering over my shoulder or telling me what to do. And think of Veronica. She's been an NPC until recently. She doesn't know how to handle all this intense scrutiny and direction."
"So you're not going to tell us?"
"Whatever happened to privacy?"
"Keth's going to have to get the crystal ball or the Wayback Machine again, isn't she?"
"She never lets up, does she?"
"Nope. How do you think I feel?"
"Oh all right. Here goes."
"As you can imagine, my whole marriage falling apart in a single evening was a bit much to take in all at once. I needed to get away from all the wailing and talk to someone about what had happened. Help me sort out my thoughts."
"Hey, I was available to talk."
"No you weren't."
"Well I was until Kasson showed up. You should've called ahead."
"Can I continue? Veronica shares a row house over on Llama Creek Way with her grandmother. I showed up just after she got back from work. She was a little shocked to hear about what happened between Shelby and the headmaster."
"But she was very sympathetic about everything. She didn't even say 'I told you so' or anything like that."
"That's because she's been waiting for you to wake up and part ways with Shelby."
"And she's been waiting a long time."
"So I gathered. I guess I should be glad she's patient."
"So she invited you in?"
"Yes. I figured you would've realized that from the last picture."
"Just checking."
"We talked a lot while Veronica made dinner. I figured that after serving others all evening she might want to order a pizza or something. Have someone else serve her. But she said she'd prefer to fix something up quick."
"We talked about everything that had been going on. I explained that it felt like I had been lost in a raging storm and that now the clouds were starting to clear. The light was beginning to shine through..."
"...and there's bound to be a rainbow showing up sometime soon."
"That's very philosophical, Cleveland."
"Veronica thought so too. She's such a good friend. And awfully cute too."
"Yeah, we have a feeling she thinks you're pretty cute yourself."
"Do you think so?"
"Well, she did light the fire and invite me to join her on the couch for a little snuggling."
"Just snuggling?"
"Yes, why?"
"I don't know. This doesn't exactly look like snuggling."
"Okay, maybe it was a little bit more than just snuggling."
"I would say a lot more than just snuggling. And how long were you to at it? The fire looks pretty well burned out by now."
"No, no. It wasn't burned out at all."
"Um, I think you're referring to a different sort of fire there Cleveland."
"No I wasn... er... you're right. The fireplace had burned out. So we moved upstairs where it was warmer. The nights do get cold in the Strangetown Urban Complex."
"And when it got too cold upstairs you took it under the covers?"
"I... ah... er..."
"Where does she hide those cameras?"
"Believe me, I wish I knew."
"So what about Shelby? Have you had any contact with her since the divorce was finalized? I heard she got that big name law firm, Boolprop and Motherlode, to represent her."
"Well, they didn't get anywhere near as much as they wanted. Mother hired this fancy solicitor who gave them what-for. I'm surprised they were able to get anything at all out of her."
"Did you catch her name?"
"No. She looked kind of like a nun though. I thought it was rather odd."
"Interesting. But have you seen Shelby recently?"
"Kasson said she's stopped by a couple times when I've been at work or asleep. I guess she was there to see Omaha and Treynor. She didn't say much to Kasson, but then they've never cared much for each other."
"He did mention that she seemed pretty angry with me still."
"Well, getting denied your big divorce settlement can do you that do you."
"No, I think it's more that she still doesn't believe she was doing anything wrong and she's upset that I think she was."
"For Omaha and Treynor's sake, we can't continue to go around furious with each other."
"And stealing each other's newspaper."
"That too... er... well one night as I was doing my Master of the Criminal Underworld rounds, I stopped by her place. She's got a new little house over in the Strangetown Urban Complex."
"She didn't seem overly thrilled to see me, but she did invite me inside once I explained why I was there."
"I also understand she rolled up a want panel full of Cleveland wants as soon as you stepped on the lot."
"I wouldn't know anything about that."
"We saw yours too. Veronica would be hurt."
"Can I continue now?"
"As I was saying, she invited me in and whipped us up a little early morning breakfast."
"What is it about women wanting to fix you meals? And why did she change clothes?"
"I don't know. Maybe she felt uncomfortable being around me in her pajamas."
"She was wearing flannel. They covered more of her than that suit of hers does."
"I explained that for the sake of the children, we should call a truce between us. Omaha and Treynor don't need parents who can't even talk civilly to each other. They need our understanding and support right now. By the time we were done talking, we'd sorted out more things than our lawyers had during the divorce proceedings. It felt good to get things settled."
"But Omaha and Treynor will be living with you full time still, won't they? They are Holldums after all."
"Shelby said that she's working hard on her next big promotion and that it would be best for them to stay with me for now."
"She also said that after this next promotion or two she should be all set at the top of her career. As much as she'd like Treynor and Omaha to stay with her, she can't afford any distractions until she has her promotions."
*blink blink*
"After we finished our talk, Shelby told me she was tired and needed to catch a little sleep before her carpool arrived. So I said goodnight and continued on my Criminal Underworld rounds."
"I think she'll be happy in her new house and with her new life. Now she'll be able to devote herself wholeheartedly to climbing the corporate ladder. She'll probably be one of the best business tycoons Strangetown has ever seen."
"Ah, Cleveland?"
"You're absolutely sure there's nothing more you want to tell us?"
"I'm sure. Why?"
"Oh, no reason..."